Medic First Aid & CPR

February 10, 2013

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Medic First Aid and CPR are now available!


Contact Rex & Tina Prince to schedule a class.

Rex 863-602-1964 - Tina 863-602-1962

Click on this link to see classes completed and number trained:  Medic First Aid & CPR Completed

February 23 Saturday Wesley Chapel Steve & Pamela Ponder TBD  
February 24 Sunday Cocoa Beach TBD TBD  
March 2 Saturday MFA Instructor class Rex & Tina Prince 9:00 am to 4 pm  
March 3 Sunday Clearwater Don Allen & Bill Miller 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
March 3 Sunday Jacksonville Rex & Tina Prince, Rick Northrup Noon to 4:00 pm  
March 9 Saturday Ft. Myers Dana Voight TBD  
March 22 Friday District Convention TBD 8:00 am to Noon  
March 22 Saturday District Convention TBD 8:00 am to Noon  


You can contact either T-Rex or your Chapter Educator to secure a spot in a class. 

The below link is additional information about the medic first aid training in Florida.

GWRRA Florida District Medic First Aid Training Information




Medic First Aid (MFA) is a combination CPR and First Aid class now offered to the GWRRA members in the Florida District. The program is focused on teaching the basic skills needed to assist with an emergency situation until EMS arrives. Being able to recognize an emergency, activate EMS, and provide the necessary care until more trained providers arrive and take over, is the role of the first aid provider.  The MFA program provides training in a low stress environment using video clips, demonstration and lots of hands on practice. The student will participate in group practice as both a coach and a provider as the group works through the various skills and scenarios during the class. The MFA guidelines limit each facilitator to twelve students in order to provide practice and individual coaching as needed. The student is provided with a completion card after an outcome based evaluation. The Florida District is providing the Medic First Aid classes to our members in accordance with the Rider Education Guidelines. The member‘s GWRRA membership must be current and they must be enrolled in the Rider Education Levels program. There is a $20 deposit per person to enroll in the class, the checks should be made out to GWRRA Florida Rider Education and will be returned upon completion of the course along with the completion card.

At the Florida District Rally in March we trained an additional nine MFA facilitators for the District. We are able to provide MFA courses in your areas. If one or more chapters has a need for a MFA course please let us know. We can come to your chapter location or combine one or more chapters together.

Please contact Tina or Rex Prince at for any questions or to schedule a class.